The Month of MARCH is filled with metaphors, mottos, and milestones. It is about this time of year when nature nudges us to get outside and get out of our own way. Looking out my office window and seeing signs of springtime in the air, I feel compelled to try and unravel what this month’s message is meant to reveal to me. I hope my curiosity will bring some clarity to you and will help illuminate the start of this spring season in a whole new way. |

I remember growing up, hearing that phrase “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” This imagery always stuck with me, as I looked forward to the newness of the spring season and the idea that transformation was always on the horizon. As a young adult, starting my career in casting, I would come to interpret the spring season as a time of cleaning and clearing. The term “spring cleaning” felt like an invitation for me to get my things together and to become overly organized; putting my binders and bookshelves in order overdrive.
Once I became a wife and mom, any notion of being on time and organized went out the window. The month of March meant that my kids could stay outside and play longer and later as daylight savings time kicked in. I relished the idea that “springing forward” with our clocks gave our family bonus hours of daylight that seemed to crack the day wide open. At the time I only noticed that changing the calendar to a new page brought another month filled with activities, commitments, and holidays to plan for. Yet looking back now, it seems like I missed the point of turning the page. A new season and new month is a natural time of renewal; the change of seasons brings with it a renewed sense of growth.
Now I recognize that the spring season and the month of March can hold so many interpretations and vast opportunities. It is this exact notion that enables me to believe that shifts are not only possible, but they are indeed, probable for each one of us. With this foundational ideal, I embark on this spring season with the freshness and fierceness that have come to define my Next Chapter. It is exhilarating and it is frightening; it is filled with curiosity and filled with enthusiastic whimsy. Taking the next step into the unknown with dedication and determination is what drives me. I am optimistic that turning the page and beginning to write what comes next in my story, will empower and enable YOU to make the most of this spring season too.
Wishing you a Happy Spring and a bright new Season to Shift and Shine in The Next Chapter! |
